A simple basis for what has turned into a highly complicated game, full of intricacy, politics, philosophy... but I digress.
The world is a somewhat 'modern day' DnD world. Think Final Fantasy, Steampunk, and other 'magic and technology' style worlds. I'm mixing Final Fantasy, (Mainly 6) Shining Force, Warcraft, Steampunk, and most importantly, Dragon Age Origins together for this DnD adventure.
What does this mean?
There is everything that is normal in a DnD game, dragons, genies, orcs, goblins, giants, etc. But there are also Darkspawn, from Dragon Age Origins. There are also guns and explosives in fairly common use, (Found in my old post here) and there is electricity, plumbing, washing machines, and other modern day comforts. However, most computer and telephone technology is in the 1950's level. TV is a very recent invention, only those that are well off have them or telephones, and what is the point anyway? Magic makes communication and TV mostly something only the poor would want anyway... still going to take some years before the lower classes get them outside of hotel rooms.
Magi-tech reactors, trains, large ships, even primitive planes have given humanity the decisive edge in adapting to Artheria. (The world, yes it's my old DnD world, thousands of years later) Over the last thousands of years, Humans have been becoming the dominant race covering the globe, and Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, and Halflings are seemingly gone now. The common folk simply belief they're legends, mythological stories of a bygone era. Only those who are educated know that these humanoids all existed, and that much of Human understanding of Magic, Engineering, and Architecture was actually 'borrowed' from those races.
At the current point in time, the world is divided into essentially 3 broad areas, Civilization, Farming Suburbs, and Wildlands. Regardless of the type of terrain, the world can be broken down as such. The areas we would call 'Civilization' are large, grand cities, with a style and fashion similar to the 1950's and earlier eras.
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(The Modern City for our DnD world.) |
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(Many rather have their own home, away from the cities, and take their chances.) |
The final broad category is the wilds, which is relatively self explanatory. Dragons, Ruins, Orcs, Darkspawn, Undead, Twisted Necromancers, and more make their living out in the wilds of the world.
So what is this world we keep referencing? The Empire Of Manrath is where this tale takes place, more specifically the Province of Kenrath. The map, which I drew, (I'm not a great artist) is as so:
This is the world that we have made. Many of these provinces were named/designed in part by my players. Which I do enjoy, I like taking their ideas and tossing my own twists on them. (Waliroe, Mordeth, and Feralath were all originally from players.)
The bulk of this story is going to be taking place in the area around Norshaw, in Kenrath. Each 'Shaw' is a massive city, housing many many hundreds of thousands of humans. A full 80% of the Human population of Kenrath lives in these massive cities.
Almost everything else belongs to the beasts... the Orcs, Dragons, and Darkspawn.
The provinces are broken down like so:
Kenrath is the main province of our game, and it is a mostly rolling grassland/forest province, that experiences decent rainfall, has fertile ground, and a few large mountain ranges near the coast line. It has many ancient, old forests, with many trees scattered throughout the province that easily top 150 feet, and resist any attempt to be cut down. Many locals feel these trees are proof that this whole land used to belong to the elves. Most of the farmers settle near Lake Shaw, towards the Mordeth border, which is far more secure than the other side of the cities. Kenrath has such threats as Darkspawn from the mountains, and monstrosities from the Ruins of Waliroe, not to mention scattered Orc tribes. Traveling off the beaten path, or not taking the railroads, is not advised.
Places of Note:
Kenshaw: the capital of the province houses more than 1 million people. It contains the largest Magical Universities, Churches, and centers of industry in the province. The only functioning port in the province is located here.
Barshaw: the city to the north of the capital has a few of the ancient trees that make the province famous. It houses about 700,000 people, and the city is of very industrious in mindset. If they could, the city representatives would chop down every tree, and mine every cave it could get its hands on.
Norshaw: the most northern major city in Kenrath, and the starting point of our game. 400,000 people, and many ancient trees. In between two of those trees is the Cafe of Broken Dreams, an extra-planar cafe whose owner/creator is unknown. The place has stood for the entire history of the city, and not much is known about it. The Cafe attracts many adventurers and other important people though.
Places of Note:
Kenshaw: the capital of the province houses more than 1 million people. It contains the largest Magical Universities, Churches, and centers of industry in the province. The only functioning port in the province is located here.
Barshaw: the city to the north of the capital has a few of the ancient trees that make the province famous. It houses about 700,000 people, and the city is of very industrious in mindset. If they could, the city representatives would chop down every tree, and mine every cave it could get its hands on.
Norshaw: the most northern major city in Kenrath, and the starting point of our game. 400,000 people, and many ancient trees. In between two of those trees is the Cafe of Broken Dreams, an extra-planar cafe whose owner/creator is unknown. The place has stood for the entire history of the city, and not much is known about it. The Cafe attracts many adventurers and other important people though.
Waliroe is the other main 'province' of our current game. Waliroe was once its own country, with a powerful reliance on Magi-tech, and with one of the most powerful Magi-tech reactors on the planet. (Think Nuclear... just with Magic) The city's reactor had a meltdown, and now the land is nothing but a magically radiated wasteland. The surrounding provinces have since moved in and taken over for the shattered government, and now the Empire 'rules over' the entirety of Waliroe. (Though only the area near the bottom dotted line with the houses is even somewhat safe.) 'The Crater' and the 'Old Waliroe Ruins' are both very dangerous places to explore.
Mordeth is the economic powerhouse of the provinces. It has the most fertile, most protected land in the region. The only obvious threats are from the magical wastelands to the north, and the Darkspawn that live in the mountains much rather attack Feralath and Crombar than Mordeth. Crossing the river is dangerous to the primitive creatures, so raiding the other territories seems to be their preferred attack pattern. Mordeth has claimed the bulk of Waliroe.
Places of Note:
Entrar: The capital of Mordeth, and currently of the whole empire. The Emperor lives there, and Parliament currently meets there. The city houses more than 10 million people, and houses all the luxuries, education, and corruption the modern world has to offer.
Nothia: A major trade city, a central hub between Mordeth, Feralath, Kenrath, and the recently claimed lands of Waliroe. It has become a very wealthy merchant city relatively quickly.
Feralath is a rough, wild place. It has enemies on all sides. (Except the south) Darkspawn from the mountains, orc tribes and monsters from the northern wilds, and barbarians from the desert. The land has harsher winters then Kenrath and Mordeth, and the people that live there tend to be more cautious and less welcoming than the other provinces.
Places of Note:
Feralas: The capital of Feralath houses a little under half a million people, and scholars claim it was once the center of a massive orc empire in time the Dwarves were the dominant force in the region. The residents of the town are very defensive in mindset, as are its representatives in parliament.
Crombar is similar to Feralath in many ways, only with a much greater emphasis on securing the border with the Anvar Wastes. It is a more dry land than Feralath, with less rainfall than its neighbor to the north.
Places of Note:
Cromyr: Often allied with Feralas in parliament, this city houses over half a million people, and is the central staging point against the barbarian tribes of the Anvar Wastes.
The Northern wilds are an ancient, thick forest. Full off orcs, giants, darkspawn, and other monstrosities. While the Empire 'Claims' those lands, (and the Anvar Wastes) they actually have very little, if any, presence both here and in the Anvar Wastes, which are a great desert.
Mankar, to the south, leads to the rest of the Empire, and is a very populated region with great political power, but isn't part of this region.
Places of Note:
Harkota: The old capital, before the Emperor moved it to Entrar, a massive city of over 20 million, with all the most prestigious schools in the land.
Now that we can see where the people are, we can discuss the government that rules them.
The Empire of Manrath is a rather complex system that has stood now for over 700 years. A large part of its longevity is that the government is divided up into 3 major parts, Emperor, Parliament, and Regulators.
The current Emperor is the Emperor Claudius, a tall, menacing man, with a mind towards expansion. The Emperor is not a king, like his title suggests. He actually only has limited voting power in the Parliament, but he is the official head of the Military, and he is an exceptional general. His gear is magically empowered Magi-tech, and many an orc and darkspawn have fallen under him. He is married to a skilled aristocrat, who bends many of the representatives in Parliament to their way.
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(Emperor Claudius, conqueror of Waliroe.) |
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(The Parliament building, located in Entrar.) |
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(The Chantry enforces The Word of God.) |
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(The ministry of magic is typically eccentric... and very powerful.) |
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(Templar Enforcers are modern, capable warriors.) |
The humans of Manrath do have a unique trait. Bloodlines. While Demi-humans, (Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, Halflings) are now practically myth, the evidence of their existence exists within humanity all over. The world of Artheria has a very vibrant past, and as such, humans have mingled with practically everything, demi-humans, elementals, angels and demons, fey folk, even intelligent plant life. Nowadays, those signs are subtly shown throughout the population.
Every person who took the personality DnD test was human, but with different levels of other races. (For example, I was human, with a 2nd place tie of Gnome and Dwarf, so my bloodlines are Dwarf/Gnome) Then to give people a choice, I allow them to have a choice for a secondary bloodline, this can be chosen from; Celestial, Infernal, Air, Fire, Water, Earth, Wood, and Fey. I chose air for the NPC character I'm mainly playing. Hence, Demar is a Gnome/Dwarf/Air Human. We have an Elf/Celestial, Dwarf/Celestial, Elf/Infernal, Elf/Wood, and more. (Lots of elves...)
As the characters grow stronger, the 'Bloodlines' will level up. This will happen every 5 levels for the first type. (Dwarf, Elf, etc.) The 2nd bloodline, (Celestial, Elemental, etc.) is based on story advances, not levels.
Demi-Humans, (this is the first edition term for Elves, Dwarves, etc.) are much more powerful than they are in the PHB. Not only do they have all of those abilities, but many more. Think Tolkien influenced. Elves are practically immortal, Dwarves are tough beyond belief, Halflings are resistant to evil, and lucky, etc. The following are some of the things that these races are known for:
Elves: Arcane and martial masters. They are said to live thousands of years, have advanced magical prowess, and great martial prowess as well. They are known as super aware masters of the wild, with great mastery over mithril and magic.
Dwarves: Master smiths that are tough beyond belief. Highly resistant to magic and corruption, living in massive well made underground cities. Dwarven military prowess is legendary. Guns, explosives, and rune magic are what they are known for.
Gnomes: Eccentric engineers and mages. Gnomes were legendary for advanced gadgets, blackpowder weapons, and magi-tech.
Halflings: The short folk were rumored to be practically immune to any type of dark magic, with a courage that made not only full grown men, but Elves and Dwarves feel bad about their valor.
Depending on your bloodlines, you will gain stat bonuses (and penalties) and abilities. I apply these to my boss NPCs as well.
I am not posting the actual numbers, since I want to have flexibility depending on the characters. Many things will be taken from the posts I did on this blog last year.
Many of the rules that I have on this blog still stand, I will be using the Magi-Tech engineer class I made, and also all the house rules that are posted on my house rules page. I will be adding to that page somewhat regularly, I plan on adding a few 'class variants' that I'm using for enemies, and a few prestige classes to that page soonish. I am also using most of the class changes I've made in the class posts. Should we play more than one game in this world, the variants, prestige and core classes I make on here will be open to newly made characters.
And with that, enough for one day. Next post will cover the history of the Empire, Chantry, Ministry, Templar, and Darkspawn in much more detail. Stay tuned adventurers!
And with that, enough for one day. Next post will cover the history of the Empire, Chantry, Ministry, Templar, and Darkspawn in much more detail. Stay tuned adventurers!
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