Here we have statistics of the 10(!) playable races in Artheria, along with some brief history and stats. All the races have been powered up, a byproduct of the last 1000 years of evolution. Artheria is a world consumed by darkness, zombies will just spring up out of the ground, rifts to all manner of planes can appear out of nowhere, lycanthrobes and dark cultists are all over the country side, and the very sunlight itself only comes through the clouds on rare occasions. (The one exception here is the elf lands, which have normal weather.) This has caused a great deal of change to the standard races. Unless stated otherwise, this is in addition too whatever racial skills are listed in the players handbook. (PHB)
Humans of Artheria are pretty much identical to standard humans, they are just more skillful on average. They begin play with 3 feats instead of two, and gain 8 extra skill points at level one, instead of 4, and gain an additional 2 skill points per level, not 1. Humans also gain 2 traits from each category at character creation, not 1. Humans gain bonus feats every 5 levels, and those may be chosen from any that the character meets the prereqs for.
Overall, in trial runs, humans had the highest stats, (stacking bloodlines in the trait rolls led to very high stats among my human players) and an exceptional amount of skills as well. Humans are able to play any role well.
Culturally, humans have few strongholds, and the population of humanity, once measured in the billions, is now roughly 3 million or so across the planet, a full 50% of that population living in Contrador. About 30% lives on the continent of Oniboros (oriental adventures land), in a large port town called Todeosaka. The remaining 20% are spread out over the rest of the globe. Gender equality is almost universal on Artheria, as when your population is about 10% of what it once was forces all people to work together. Racism still exists between all manner of folk, it just is looked down upon generally, there are much worse dangers than minority races or allied demi-humans.
(Humans of Artheria are very much like you and me... except maybe a little tougher.)
Dwarves have evolved to be even tougher than they once were. As a race, they will have more hit points and damage reduction than any other race by far. At level 1, Dwarves start with the toughness (+3 HP) and dwarves toughness (+6 HP) feats, and 1/- (Damage Reduction) DR base. Every 3 levels, when the dwarf chooses a feat, dwarves gain a free rank in toughness. Every 5 levels, Dwarves gain a free rank in dwarves toughness. Every 6 levels, the dwarves natural damage resistance increases by 1/-. This stacks with DR gained from barbarian or paladin levels. Dwarves will always be tanky, a dwarf wizard will be as tough as a human warrior, and dwarven warriors are exceptionally tough.
Overall, in trial runs, Dwarves were incredibly tough, with much less skill and feat selection than humans or halflings, but more than made up for it with DR and HP. If you want to play an exceptionally tough warrior, a mage that can stand in the melee, or the toughest rogue around, play a dwarf.
Culturally, dwarves have lost the giant majority of their military and surface might. 1000 years ago, the dwarven empire was the strongest organized military force on the planet. The dwarves had miles of cities and fortifications both above and below the ground. Today, shields dwarves have a few scattered holdings on the surface that connect to gold dwarf cities below. Dwarves have their own magi-tek, (They call it rune-tek) and are very skillful engineers of all manner of exotic black powder weapons, conventional weapons, and exceptional armor. The population of dwarves has suffered similarly to humans, once having a population close to a billion, a little more than a million dwarves remain on Artheria today. Dwarven culture is much more egalitarian than others, men, women, and subraces all holding equal view in society. Class and clan are much more important then male, female, or skin tone.
Unlike other worlds, the Drow are currently loosely allied with the dwarves, for mutual survival. The underdark of Artheria is far more perilous than the underdark of the Forbidden Realms. Corrupted mindflayers, minotaurs, duegar, and beholders rule the now ocean filled underdark, capturing anything they can find for horrible transformative rituals.
*Update* I'm further increasing the toughness of dwarves, since I've added so many other tough warrior races, I feel they need a tad more in the 'toughness' category. (I like my dwarves to be insanely tough.) Every 6 levels they gain a free rank of 'Giant's Toughness' (+9 HP) and every 10 levels they gain 'Dragon's Toughness' (+12 HP). This stacks with all the other 'toughness' feats listed. A dwarf at level 20 has +93 HP just from racial feats. Toughest. Race. Ever.
*Update* I'm further increasing the toughness of dwarves, since I've added so many other tough warrior races, I feel they need a tad more in the 'toughness' category. (I like my dwarves to be insanely tough.) Every 6 levels they gain a free rank of 'Giant's Toughness' (+9 HP) and every 10 levels they gain 'Dragon's Toughness' (+12 HP). This stacks with all the other 'toughness' feats listed. A dwarf at level 20 has +93 HP just from racial feats. Toughest. Race. Ever.
(Dwarves of Artheria are tough as nails, able to take more than any other race.)
Elves of Artheria have been significantly altered, they are natural hunters, and are much closer to Tolkien like elves than standard DnD elves. All elves live for thousands of years, and Sun Elves are completely ageless, never dying from old age. The primary elven continent has been permanently connected to the lower planes, and rifts to demon realms are incredibly common. The primary source of the elves longevity and increased power is the fact that the elves have held control of the positive energy crystal for countless eons. This has passed on the "Timeless Body" trait to every elf born. (Elves do not suffer any aging penalties) Elves are also incredibly talented trackers and rangers, and are the most powerful spell casters on Artheria.
All elves gain the track feat for free, like a ranger does. They also gain their choice of a favored enemy at level 1 regardless of classes chosen, it levels up every 5 levels like normal for ranger growth. They also get to choose a ranger combat style at level 2, 6, and 11, regardless of prerequisites. (Example, an elf rogue can choose between archery and two weapon style, regardless of BAB or other requirements.) This makes nearly all elves very capable in any type of combat. Even more so for elves, they gain innate caster level. Starting at level 1, and every 5 levels after, Elves gain an innate caster level bonus. Whatever caster class the elf has, if he or she has one, gain a +1 bonus every five levels. (Example, a level 5 elven cleric cast spells as a level 7 cleric.) If the elf has no caster class, the player must select sorceror, wizard, cleric or druid, and they cast spells as a level 1 of the chosen class, not getting access to level 0 spells. This choice cannot be changed once chosen. (Example, a level 5 elven fighter who selects sorcerer as caster type casts spells as a level 2 sorcerer.) In addition, elves have become so proficient with arcane power that they can cast arcane spells in light armor, regardless of class limitations. The final ability that elves has is a special feat called Immortal heritage. Elves gain this feat at level 1, and every 15 levels after. (15, 30, etc.) This feat has 3 possible options that a player may choose to increase the elves toughness. They may take an instant +10 bonus to HP, or gain 1/- DR, or gain 5 to any elemental resistance. Each time this feat is earned, an elf also gains a +2 bonus that they may be placed in any mental stat, (int. wis. or cha.).
Elven rangers are exceptionally skilled, they gain 2 favored enemies at character creation, they gain 2 bonus increases instead of 1, (Every 5 levels you can add 2 separate +2 bonuses instead of one.) and they also gain both types of combat styles, not being forced to pick between the two. Gestalt elven ranger/wizards are phenomenally powerful.
In trial runs, I found that my elves were offensive juggernauts, which was the intention, however, I really pigeon holed them into the ranger role. (In trials, they didn't receive bonus ranger styles, they had to pick ranger to get both styles. Everyone played a ranger/druid, ranger/fighter, or ranger/sorcerer.) I also found that despite the increased offensive power, they lack of HP just didn't make up for it. I had two players get knocked out in 1 hit by fights that weren't that difficult. This made me reassess the Elven bonuses, and make the immortal heritage feat. With bloodlines, it is very feasible to have a -4 con at character creation, and a character having 8 con or less is just not able to survive in gamplay terms. Yes, it sounds like elves are amazing and get more innate powers than other races, and this is partially true, however, I found that the increased stats and hp of humans, gnomes, and dwarves more than made up for it, and the extra feats that humans and halflings receive give them more flexible combat ability.
The immortal heritage feat is meant to balance this. The flexible options of the immortal heritage feat allow a weaker HP person to get a sudden HP boost, or someone who rolled well with HP to either increase their elemental resistance or damage reduction. (An elven barbarian would get far more use out of the DR boost then the 10 HP, and some players might really want added elemental resistance.) This makes elves a truly powerful race, with a great deal of diversity.
While high elves are the standard, Elves have 10 distinct subraces that may be rolled at character creation when rolling traits. There are aquatic elves, wild elves, sun elves, grey elves, ghost elves, frost elves, esperian elves, (a custom elf subrace I made, bred with Espers, who some might remember from Final Fantasy 6), Lythari, (elven werewolves), Drow, and Avariel. (Winged elves)
Elven culture has suffered greatly in the Reckoning. Despite the very diverse elven population that exists, the total population of all elves has gone from 10s of millions to only the 600-700 thousand range, and a full 50% of those are high elves. Avariel, Esperian, and Lythari are very rare, only making up about 5% of the total elven population. (Esperian are the most rare.)
(The true hunters of Artheria, Elves are offensive powerhouses, trying all they can to save Artheria.)
Halflings have taken up the mantle of true warriors. The natural fearlessness of the halfling race has carved a genuine niche for the halfling people. Fearless caravans, protected by halfling bravery and gnomish magi-tek, are the most reliable trade companies on Artheria. Halflings are also great celebrities on Artheria, being the number one subject on the tongues of roaming bards. Halflings fear save bonus increases to +4, and they gain a +4 to all saves vs negative energy. Halflings also get +2 charisma at character creation. An odd side effect of halflings running the bulk of the caravans, and by the immense cheerfulness of their character, have charmed almost all the monstrous humanoid tribes in their vicinity. Halflings have a +4 bonus on all social checks made vs monstrous humanoids, and when calculating followers or cohorts, ECLs of monstrous humanoids are lessened or negated entirely. (Example, level 1 lizardman fighters would be counted the same as level 1 human fighters.) Halflings gain a free bonus feat at level 1, and a free bonus feat every 6 levels after. (6, 12, etc.) Paladin halflings may also be of any good alignment.
At level 11, Halflings gain the leadership feat for free, and increase their celebrity. (+2 more charisma) If they already have leadership, they gain a passive +4 bonus to their leadership score. This bonus increases by 4 at level 21, 31, etc. Halflings are also exceptionally lucky during character creation. They roll their trait twice, and get to pick which one they would like.
In trial runs, Halflings ended up being very nicely balanced. They made incredibly powerful paladins, clerics, and sorcerers. They don't have the feat selections or stat mastery of humans, but they still get significantly more feats than the other races, and on average have strong abilities at start, as they get to roll multiple times and pick the results, giving them much more customization than other races. The bonuses in social interactions were also way more useful than I initially thought possible. The paladin convincing tribe of orcs to join him on a raid of a corrupt demon village can turn the tide of a major fight. Making friends is an under appreciated facet of DnD often, (Charisma often being the dump stat in many games.) and on Artheria, having someone to watch your back in such a grim, dark world is incredibly useful.
Culturally, halflings don't really have a home continent. The largest concentration of halflings is actually on a floating continent, with the largest concentration of gnomes sharing the floating continent. On the surface, halflings are naturally occurring on almost every continent, except the elven lands. Halflings run the giant bulk of trading caravans, and are the only race that still is mostly nomadic, giving them the advantages listed above. Culturally, paladins of the Brave Folk, (as halflings are almost universally called) may be of any good alignment, which can cause a great many previously unknown class combinations. Paladin/barbarians and Paladin/druids are not unheard of in Halfling society. The halfling population hasn't suffered as the other races have, there are around 1.5 million halflings on Artheria, 1000 years ago, there were a little over 2 million, thus they have not suffered like the others.
(The bravest folk on Artheria, misjudging a halfling can be very hazardous to your health.)
Gnomes are also exceptionally tough, gaining the toughness feat for free at level 1, and gain an additional rank every 3 levels, when they gain a feat as normal. They also gain a free bonus feat every 7 levels. Favored class Illusionist and Bard.
In trial runs, Gnomes are sort of a mix between humans, dwarves, and elves. They aren't as tough as dwarves, and they don't have the offensive capability of elves, or the feat selection of humans or halflings. They do, however, have a little bit of all of those abilities, and they also have the most diverse, unique trait table of any race by far, having the possibility of many different bloodlines, and equipment that can not be gained in any other way. Gnomes can excel in any role, and are an incredibly odd, eccentric, and diverse lot.
Culturally, gnomes have no home land of their own, it has been conquered by goblins, and mostly destroyed by The Reckoning. They survive in the cities of other intelligent life, halfling and dwarf cities mostly, though they can even be found in neutral aligned monstrous humanoid towns. This has had a devastating effect on the gnomish population. Today, a population that was once over 1 million is barely over 200,000. Gnomes are truly an endangered species. Still, gnomes are exceptional craftsman, skillful spellcasters, and incredibly tough, even if a full 30% of the population is insane.
(Inventors, tinkerers, engineers, mages. Gnomes are a force to be reckoned with.)
Orcs are a new playable race in Artheria, and they are hugely different than on any other world. First off, Orcs are not the brutal, bloodthirsty demon worshiping savages that they traditionally are. Orcs, for all intents and purposes, are a 'Japanese' style oriental adventures race. The bulk of the orc population lives in the remnants of a mighty samurai empire on the continent of Oniboros, in a mighty city called Onikidae (Oni ke day), connected to the 2nd largest human town, a port city called Todeosaka. All orc names, even those of barbarian tribes on other continents, are Asian influenced. Orcs are also traditionally not chaotic or evil, even those that worship Gruumsh. Orcs are more Lawful Neutral than anything on Artheria.
Orc racial abilities are altered significantly from the book. Orc stat bonus changed to +6 strength, +4 constitution, -2 intelligence, -2 wisdom, -2 charisma. Orcs also have both darkvision (60') and low light vision, and unless a specific subrace or trait is rolled, Orcs have adapted to normal sunlight, not suffering in bright light.
Orcs, despite being so different than standard orcs, still have some similarities. An orc starts with the racial ability to rage, like a barbarian, 1/day at level 1, gaining an additional use at levels 4,7,10, etc. If the orc is a barbarian, grant this as a rank of extra rage, and just add extra rages per day. A high level orc barbarian can rage pretty much all day.
Orcs are also incredibly tough, gaining 1/- DR at level 1, and gaining an additional point every 6 levels. In addition, orcs gain both orc weapon familiarity and oriental weapon familiarity. (Orc double axes and other orc specific weapons are considered martial weapons, and all oriental weapons, katanas, naginatas, etc. are also considered martial weapons for orcs. It is not uncommon for a wild orc tribe, thousands of miles away from Onikidae, to have a few oriental weapons in their arsenal) Orcs are also exceptional in the arts of weapon and armor making, and warfare. They gain an innate +2 to any craft skill that is specific for war, (Armorsmithing, weaponsmithing, bowyer, folding steel, etc.) and they also gain an innate +2 bonus on any knowledge (Warfare) check. Orc favored class is no longer barbarian, it is Samurai.
Artheria has several distinct orc subraces, which can be rolled at character creation under traits. There are aquatic orcs, underdark dwelling grey orcs, orogs, (large, brutal orcs mixed with ogre blood) Orcins, (A smaller breed of orc that is mixed with goblin blood. Smaller and much more cunning than a normal orc.) Urukai, (Yes, of Tolkien, they are more cunning and natural leaders among orcs.) Lyntanan orcs, who are orcs that worship Gruumsh's elven form, Lyntana. They appear more like elves than other subraces, and all almost universally non-evil. Ysgardian orcs, who have been stranded here from the heroic domain of Ysgard, (universally good, spell like abilities and increased charisma) and finally Esperian Orcs, who are orcs mixed with espers. They have greatly enhanced spell casting abilities and a few innate spell like abilities.
*Update* As far as locations go, the bulk of orcs live on and around Oniboros, on the surface. Orogs and grey orcs are found more often in the underdark, ysgardian orcs are found living with the avariel, above the elf lands, and lyntanan orcs mostly live in the elf lands, near Rolltun, the hero of the elves. Esperian orcs are incredibly rare, and can be found anywhere orcs are found.
The giant bulk of these orc subraces are of my own design, and do need to be play tested. Of all my 'playable races' orcs had the least testing, my one test character also rolled a permanent injury and was totally blind, which is wonderful for roleplaying and style, but not great for balance testing when you have to roll a skill check every time you go down a ladder, and concealment rolls every single attack. I initially didn't include them for this reason.
Overall, Orcs are probably the best all around warriors. They gain large strength bonuses, good con bonuses, and DR. They won't have the HP of dwarves, (and possibly gnomes, depending on stats and HP rolls) but they will deal significantly more damage. They also will be not as strong of casters unless you happen to get 1 of the 3 subraces that increases your mental stats. This does make orcs primarily built for warrior roles, they will never be as decent spell casters as dwarves, the other tough warrior race. The intention with orcs is to have a warrior race that can deal more damage, and while being tough, is not as tough as Dwarves. (We'll see how it works.)
Culturally, orcs have suffered much from the Reckoning, just like the other races. The corrupt forces seek out orcs more so than humans or dwarves, they are easier to corrupt than the other races, and thanks to their innate strength, become truly powerful foes. 1000 years ago, the orcs of Onikidae were at war with the humans of Todeosaka. The Reckoning caused the entire continent to be ripped from the ocean floor, and slammed into the nearby continent of Mangderithon. This relocation has greatly altered the geography and the weather patterns of the continent of Oniboros, and this has effected the Orcs far more than the humans.
500 years ago, the Orcs of Onikidae were nearly wiped out. The corruption was pushing in on them, they were fighting a multi-front war with the humans of Todeosaka, and they were losing on both fronts. Lady Alistrae Silverhair, Paladin Queen of the West, (an incredibly important NPC in Artheria, she will most likely get her own blog post.) intervened and stopped the war between the two mighty empires, forged an alliance between the two nations, and oversaw construction of a gnomish magi-tek train to connect the two great cities. Today, while the two great nations still have lingering feelings towards each other, the defensive benefits against the corruption of the land have long put those concerns to rest.
The orc population of Artheria 1000 years ago was in the billions, today, it is only a little over 2 million, and over half of those orcs live in and around Onidikae, the rest are scattered around the globe, some in barbarian tribes, others in allied, powerful encampments with other races. Orcs get along well with most other races now a days, and most other races, while initially afraid of the powerful race, are able to get over their prejudice once an orc samurai saves them from a werewolf, or zombie attack, or other inevitable assault from the darkness.
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(Orcs of Artheria are masters of war.) |
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(Corrupt orcs are power and rage incarnate.) |
Goblins of Artheria are now becoming a playable race. Goblins are significantly more fearsome on Artheria than probably any other world in the universe. The start of this occurred over 1000 years ago, the main villain group the players of the old campaign faced, that a lot of this world is based on, were goblins led by a half-fire elemental goblin evoker/rogue/arcane trickster. (That game was not gestalt) Daren Flamehair was a great hero to the goblin people, and true neutral in alignment. He had no real hatred for humans and gnomes like typical members of his kin. The goblins of the time were led by a fire elemental weird, a female fire elemental creature, with incredible powers of divination. She foresaw the Reckoning, and birthed many half-fire elemental children over her long life, the goblin leader being one of them.
Daren Flamehair conquered several gnome cities, besting my players on multiple battlefields, before finally being beaten, (but not killed) by Rolltun, Luce, Slavik, and Ulfgar, then players, now important epic level NPCs. Still, Daren Flamehair's victories advanced his race greatly. He gave them access to extensive gnome ruins, which the goblins were able to discover old powerful gnome technologies, and devise their own magi-tek from them. Daren had a 2nd in command, a goblin necromancer named Zain.
(Backstory: Zain originally started as a low level member of an opposing monstrous humanoid adventurer party in the very first dungeon I had my players in. I had no intention of him living, it was him, an ogre rogue, and a hobgoblin fighter/sorcerer. The hobgoblin was the only one to die, and the other two managed to 'set off' the boss, which was a golem, and run away. Then, I would keep bringing them back, and they never seemed to fail. The bane of my players, Griff the Ogre and Zain the Goblin...)
Zain gained control of two incredible artifacts over the last 1000 years, the first was a orb of negative energy, (Again, a player failure in a dungeon...) which greatly enhanced his power, and then, he was able to gain control of the massive negative energy crystal, giving him god like necromancy power. He became a lich, and now lives on a floating island above the great tower north of the Maelstrom. From his possession of the crystal, necromantic and arcane blessings have been bestowed on his entire race over the last 1000 years.
Today, of the three goblinoids, the small goblins are the undisputed rulers. If a hobgoblin or bugbear acts out, a dark cleric or necromancer is just as often to order him killed and raised as an undead servant, then give him a chance to change his behavior. Unlike Artherian orcs, that aren't necessarily evil, goblins haven't shaken a lot of that, if it weren't for the cold hard truth of the Reckoning and the corruption, goblins would try to rule the world. (This doesn't mean that neutral or good goblins don't exist, they are just a minority) Currently, they try to manipulate whatever alliances they can form to be one sided in their favor, and protect their fortresses with elaborate traps of all types, mundane, magical, and magi-tek.
The goblin population has suffered greatly, having a population of well over 3 billion 1000 years ago, the neighborhood of 3 million non-corrupt goblins live in the 3 layers of Artheria. The corruption seeks out goblins, just like it does orcs, for they are easier to corrupt, and become incredibly frightening creatures when corrupted.
Goblins, like practically every race, have subraces, though not as many as orcs or certainly elves. The standard goblin is called a greenskin normally, and they make up about 50% of the population, the other 50% spread out among the subraces. The subraces are aquatic goblins, snow goblins, batiri, (jungle goblins) Forestkith Goblins, (essentially wild barbaric goblins) Dekanter Goblin, (red skinned horned rhino like goblin) and Flamehair goblins, who are descendant from Daren Flamehair's family.
As far as locations go, greenskins are all over, mostly surface and floating continents, aquatic goblins are found in the sea, deeper rivers, and in the underdark. (as it was flooded during the reckoning.) Snow goblins are exclusively from the frozen wastes and a few frozen floating islands. Batiri live on the lost continent, and may be found working for either goblin or halfling trading companies based off that continent. Forestkith goblins are more primitive than the other kinds, but are much stronger, more apelike in appearance, with more hair than the standard goblin on their bodies. The vast majority of this race has been corrupted, and those that aren't are found in the forests of Mangderithon and the elf lands, often loosely allied with nearby non-corrupt humanoids. Dekanter goblins are a very physically powerful, mostly underdark dwelling goblin, with skin tones ranging from red to orange to grey. Flamehair goblins are exclusively found around Mangderithon and Entrar.
Goblins have become an incredibly powerful force, the Dwarven armies (which 1000 years ago were the mightiest organized force on the planet) could only protect what they had from the goblins, (and barely) this has given the goblins free reign to develop into a much more advanced culture, no longer living in makeshift tossed together villages being pushed around by whatever monstrous humanoids are bigger and bully them. Goblins are the bullies now, maybe not physically, but the goblins mastery of wizardry and gnome-tek has given them a huge advantage. Non-corrupt ogres, larger goblinoids, goatfolk, giants, gnolls, and even trolls can be found seeking shelter behind well made and highly defended goblin walls. Goblins are direct competitors with both the gnome and halfling people with regards to trade. Goblins will run caravans, and all races are so desperate for supplies and weaponry that any race will deal with goblin traders. Goblins have become incredibly proficient in the more subtle ways of ruler ship, using money, technology, and magic to lead where previously only brute force was the way. Goblins of Artheria are a major player on the global stage, with their own well defended cities, trading companies, and well established governments.
Moving on to stats....
Goblins, as far as racial abilities go, have the following stat modifications: -2 str, con, and cha, +2 dex, +4 int. They are small size, and have +1 natural armor.
Goblins are also similar to gnomes in that they seem programmed to retain knowledge and hone it towards crafts, gaining a +2 misc. bonus to all craft and knowledge skills that they have ranks in. They also have both low-light vision and darkvision, (60') and they also gain a +2 bonus on spot checks, having exceptional eyesight. Goblins also have gained exceptional arcane power, gaining a +1 caster level bonus, just like a gnome, every 5 levels. This bonus is every 4 levels if the goblin is a necromancer. Goblins are also amazingly versatile, gaining bonus feats every 6 levels, just like halflings do. Goblins have also learned how to cast spells much like elves have, gaining the ability to cast in light armor no matter what class they are.
Goblin favored class is Magi-tek engineer, and goblin engineers have an advantage that none of the other races have, they may take the armored caster feat, and cast wizard spells in medium armor. (See the Magi-tek engineer post for more info.) Goblin magi-tek engineer/wizards are incredibly fearsome foes, well armed and armored, launching all manner of powerful spells about.
Simplified: +2 dexterity, +4 intelligence, -2 strength, constitution, and charisma. Low-light vision and darkvision 60', +2 misc bonus craft and knowledge skills, and +2 spot checks. +1 caster level bonus every 5 levels, 4 if a necromancer, and feats every 6 levels.
In conclusion, the goblin is a mix of gnome and halfling, not as tough as either race, but just as versatile, able to excel in the rogue and caster roles, or any type of long ranged fighter. I'm looking forward to seeing them in the game.
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(Goblins are fearsome, and talented long range warriors.) |
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(Corrupted goblins will steal your children... and that is just the beginning.) |
After loads of internal debate, I've decided to add Centaur's as a playable race. First off, Centaurs of Artheria, much like Orcs of Artheria, are quite a bit different from standard Centaurs. My inspiration for the Centaur race is borrowed hugely from the Shining Force series, which has more centaur characters in it then any other single race. (Especially the first game... 7 centaur characters.) I always liked Centaurs, and like Final Fantasy 6 that I've mentioned several times, Shining Force was another game that I played a LOT as a kid. As such, centaurs are much more like that game then they are stereotypical DnD wild druid like race. Those type of centaurs certainly exist, just like in the link above to the monster manual entry, those are only found in the wilds though, (Oniboros and the Lost Lands ONLY) and are not the playable race.
While the centaur as written is a really tough race, (absolutely GREAT stats, natural armor... but 4 monstrous humanoid HD) and is not actually balanced for gameplay as a playable race, so they do need a rework. First off, I do not like monstrous hit dice at all, they are in almost EVERY case worse than class levels. (There are a few specific humanoids that get all good saves and some other decent abilities.... but those are few and far between)
This means statistically I am changing them to +8 strength, +2 dexterity, +4 constitution, -6 intelligence, +2 wisdom, -2 charisma, +3 natural armor, and no monstrous HD at all. They level up as a human or orc would. They still can make attacks with their hooves, (1d6 each, + half strength mod, unless it is the primary attack) and they have a base speed of 50' a round. Centaurs have both 60' darkvision and lowlight vision. All Centaurs know Common and Sylvan, and taking a page from Shining Force, Centaurs favored class is Knight. Since Centaurs are effectively their own mount, they gain animal companions instead of special mounts for Knight or Paladin levels.
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(Stampeding living tanks, Centaur knights are a force to be reckoned with.) |
This is actually not a big change from the base stats, I've just increased the mental penalties, other than wisdom, by a good amount, and nerfed dexterity slightly. Centaurs will be a challenge to roleplay, because every one of them will mostly likely be a lower intelligence/high wisdom character, which many people often don't know how to roleplay the difference between intelligence and wisdom. They are the only large size race available for play, but they are much smaller in civilization than they are in the wild. The monster manual version says the average Centaur weighs 2100 pounds, the same as a heavy horse. I'm scaling that back quite a bit. The average civilized centaur tops out around 1200 pounds, a full 900 pounds less. This is a great picture of the proper scale of Artherian Centaur that live in cities:
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(This Centaur, next to a child, is certainly larger, but isn't a giant) |
They are also large creatures, and not only that, but the anatomy of a Centaur is really weird, thus making armor for them is a really expensive, difficult venture. Making armor for a centaur, if it is being crafted by a player, adds +8 to the DC of the craft check, and if it is just being purchased it costs a full 3 times as much for all armor heavier than light. Light armor almost universally covers only the upper body, which in the Centaurs case is just like a human, so they can wear a chain shirt or something like anyone else can. Anything else requires major work though. Many Centaur either get sponsorships as knights or save up for proper armor. (Collapsible custom fit Ashigaru armor, which I speak about in my Oriental Armor Post, is very popular among Centaur of Oniboros.)
Centaur, as a society, live on 3 continents in the mainland, and on a very select few floating continents. The largest concentration of Centaur is on Oniboros, and all centaur monks are from this land. (They live in both Onikidae with the orcs and Todeosaka with the humans.) The next largest concentration is on Mangderithon, specifically in Contrador. (Most serve the Paladin Queen as knights or paladins.) The rest live in The Lost Lands, south of Oniboros, working for the halfling trading companies that ship out of that continent. They are a very polite people, most tending to be of any good alignment, and even as knights they hold a respect for nature that rivals the elves. While they suffer from a lack of "modern" intelligence, the great wisdom and perceptiveness of the Centaur has kept them doing decently well in the reckoning. "Civilized" Centaur only had a population of a little over a million 1000 years ago, and they still have 75% of that number.
Wild centaur, on the other hand, have suffered much worse during the reckoning. A population of over 3 million has been reduced to under 400,000 worldwide, the corrupted creatures seek out Centaurs, while most are too strong willed to succumb to the torture and transformative rituals, those that do become huge, horrid warriors of phenomenal power. (Size increases to huge, massive stat increases and the innate druidic connection of the Centaur race warps, becoming a dark, necromantic power) Wild Centaur sometimes take shelter in more civilized domains, but all of them eventually yearn for the freedom of their hills, plains, and forests, and eventually decide to take their chances in the wild.
Centaurs only have 1 subrace that may be rolled during traits, and that is the Pegasus trait. This is simply a winged flying Centaur. Pegasus Knights, as they're called, fly at a rate of 80', and enjoy using their mobility with bows, javelins, and lances for maximum hit and run effectiveness. Unfortunately there is a downside to those massive wings, it increases the cost of armor from 3 times to 3.5 times the base cost, and even doubles the cost of light armor. (Gotta make it fit around those wings) Craft Checks for working on Pegasus Centaur increase by +12. Most Pegasus Centaur live with the Avariel, in floating islands over the Elf Lands.
Overall, Centaur are the ultimate in hit and run combat, they are by far the fastest race, (a Centaur Monk will move so fast that pretty much nothing can catch it) and while they are certainly great warriors, they lack the toughness of the Orc or Dwarf, (and possibly even a high constitution Gnome) but have more strength and dexterity than either of those races. They won't have the versatility of feats that humans or halflings do, so you will have to be careful with what you pick, (GET SPIRITED CHARGE!!!) but this just means you can't spend extra feats getting all kinds of weapon focus feats and skill feats. The downside of armor costing much more will make it a long term process to get your knight all decked out like in the pictures above, but it will be well worth it. Unlike any other race, a Centaur can charge in, do a lot of damage, tank for awhile, then run out faster than most monsters can chase, draw their ranged weapon and start picking things off from a distance, always staying ahead of their pursuers. Centaurs will be interesting, they will have limitations, (small corridors in dungeons for example...) and be very pricey to properly outfit, but a properly set up Centaur will be just as effective in most situations as your average Dwarf or Orc, and really shine on the wide open battle field where they can take advantage of their great mobility.
*Update* I actually made some trial centaurs, and while they start out GREAT, they tend to fall off later on, as all the other races get increases based on levels. I am now giving Centaurs 2 new bonuses, the first is an increase in natural armor every 6 levels, just like kobolds and lizardfolk do, and the last is a 10' movement speed increase every 10 levels. Thus a level 20 Centaur has 70' base movement speed.
Simplified: No Monstrous HD, +8 str. +2 dex. +4 con. -6 int. +2 wis. -2 cha. +3 natural armor, 50' base move speed, 2 natural attacks (Hooves, 1d6), lowlight vision, darkvision 60'. Languages known, Common and Sylvan.
*UPDATE 3/13/14*
Wild centaur, on the other hand, have suffered much worse during the reckoning. A population of over 3 million has been reduced to under 400,000 worldwide, the corrupted creatures seek out Centaurs, while most are too strong willed to succumb to the torture and transformative rituals, those that do become huge, horrid warriors of phenomenal power. (Size increases to huge, massive stat increases and the innate druidic connection of the Centaur race warps, becoming a dark, necromantic power) Wild Centaur sometimes take shelter in more civilized domains, but all of them eventually yearn for the freedom of their hills, plains, and forests, and eventually decide to take their chances in the wild.
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(Fear corrupted Centaur... seriously. Roll a will save vs fear.) |
Centaurs only have 1 subrace that may be rolled during traits, and that is the Pegasus trait. This is simply a winged flying Centaur. Pegasus Knights, as they're called, fly at a rate of 80', and enjoy using their mobility with bows, javelins, and lances for maximum hit and run effectiveness. Unfortunately there is a downside to those massive wings, it increases the cost of armor from 3 times to 3.5 times the base cost, and even doubles the cost of light armor. (Gotta make it fit around those wings) Craft Checks for working on Pegasus Centaur increase by +12. Most Pegasus Centaur live with the Avariel, in floating islands over the Elf Lands.
Overall, Centaur are the ultimate in hit and run combat, they are by far the fastest race, (a Centaur Monk will move so fast that pretty much nothing can catch it) and while they are certainly great warriors, they lack the toughness of the Orc or Dwarf, (and possibly even a high constitution Gnome) but have more strength and dexterity than either of those races. They won't have the versatility of feats that humans or halflings do, so you will have to be careful with what you pick, (GET SPIRITED CHARGE!!!) but this just means you can't spend extra feats getting all kinds of weapon focus feats and skill feats. The downside of armor costing much more will make it a long term process to get your knight all decked out like in the pictures above, but it will be well worth it. Unlike any other race, a Centaur can charge in, do a lot of damage, tank for awhile, then run out faster than most monsters can chase, draw their ranged weapon and start picking things off from a distance, always staying ahead of their pursuers. Centaurs will be interesting, they will have limitations, (small corridors in dungeons for example...) and be very pricey to properly outfit, but a properly set up Centaur will be just as effective in most situations as your average Dwarf or Orc, and really shine on the wide open battle field where they can take advantage of their great mobility.
*Update* I actually made some trial centaurs, and while they start out GREAT, they tend to fall off later on, as all the other races get increases based on levels. I am now giving Centaurs 2 new bonuses, the first is an increase in natural armor every 6 levels, just like kobolds and lizardfolk do, and the last is a 10' movement speed increase every 10 levels. Thus a level 20 Centaur has 70' base movement speed.
Simplified: No Monstrous HD, +8 str. +2 dex. +4 con. -6 int. +2 wis. -2 cha. +3 natural armor, 50' base move speed, 2 natural attacks (Hooves, 1d6), lowlight vision, darkvision 60'. Languages known, Common and Sylvan.
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(Centaur's... wonderful friends to have.) |
*UPDATE 3/13/14*
Today we add two more playable races to Artheria, the small Kobolds, and the mighty Lizardfolk.
We will start with Kobolds, and they are very different from the standard "cowardly trap making race that exists as cannon fodder for level 1-3 groups." Kobolds of Artheria worship the Dragon Pantheon of Gods. Mainly Bahamut and Garyx. (Dragon god of destruction) During the reckoning, Garyx sent a messenger to some kobold tribes, serve him, and he would grant them power. They agreed, and the mission was to find the planar prison that was imprisoning Asharldon, an ancient red dragon that tore the heart out of a fiend to replace his own damaged one, and gained tremendous power in the process. (Source book: Draconomicon) The powered up kobolds went about their business, found the planar prison, and began their campaign to free Asharldon. Bahamut got word of this, and so he sent a messenger of his own, a half-dragon celestial Kobold Paladin named Grixan Platinumscale. Grixan met with several tribes of Kobolds, who agreed to follow the path of Bahamut, and they went to stop the followers of Garyx from releasing Asharldon.
When they arrived at the planar prison, they discovered the other Kobolds were stuck, 7 seals imprisoned the great wyrm, and the kobolds could only unlock the first 3. The evil Garyx worshipers were already weakened by the magical traps on the ancient sealed door, so when the Platinum Scales (as they called themselves) showed up, the battle was very one sided, the majority of the evil kobolds fleeing for their lives.
The Reckoning was occurring in full force, the world was changing, continents were ripping from the earth into the sky, corrupted, horrible creatures were coming from the underdark, and the worlds mightiest armies were falling to the Adamantine Colossus. Seeing this, Grixan decided to stay on Artheria and guide his people. They set up mainly on Mangderithon, near the Monastery of the Frozen Flame, about 50 miles east of Contrador.
1000 years later, Kobolds effectively have 2 factions, the Garyx worshippers, (Fangs of Destruction, Flames of Garyx, Scales of Tyranny, are often tribe names for these Kobolds.) and Bahamut worshippers. (The Platinum Scales, Claws of Justice, Bahamut's Fangs are often tribe names for these types.) Kobolds of both factions may be found everywhere except the Elf Lands, though evil dragon worshipers are more often found in Entrar, Oniboros, and the Underdark. Good aligned Kobolds are found on the same continents, they are just more often found in Mangderithon, Oniboros, and the Sky Realm. Kobolds are now a very religious people, and are the only other race to have multiple favored classes. The first is Cleric (any dragon god), and the 2nd is a favored prestige class, the Sacred Fist. Should a Kobold have either of these classes, they gain the favored class bonuses. (+1 HP per level and +2 skill points.) This is for both good and evil Kobolds, good kobolds tend to get this training at the monastery of the frozen flame, and evil kobold are mostly trained in the many monasteries that dot the deserts of Entrar. Because of their natural claws and favoritism towards sacred fists, Kobold monks use damage dice of medium creatures.
Now that I've established the basis of Kobold culture, we move onto the numbers. Kobolds are the weakest race in the book pretty much, and are not balanced in anyway for gameplay. (They have a negative ecl, meaning a level 2 kobold is the equivalent of a level 1 human or dwarf.) Statistically Kobolds are being changed around a lot. (+2 dex -4 strength and -2 con are the base stats normally...) Statistically I'm making them +2 dex, +2 wis, -2 str, -2 con, and +3 natural armor. This makes them the base 2nd highest AC in the game. (14 + dex mod to start) They also have innate breath weapons and energy resistance. Each kobold, regardless of personal scale color, have an energy type. They gain innate resistance to this type of energy and have a weak breath weapon that may be used a number of times per day equal to the kobolds con mod. This breath weapon starts at 1d6 at level 1, and increases by an extra d6 every 5 levels. (2d6 at level 5, 3d6 at 10, etc.)
The Kobolds natural armor also continues to increase, at a rate of +1 every 6 levels. Kobolds innate energy resistance starts at 5 points, and increases by 5 more points every 5 levels when the breath weapon increases. Kobolds still gain their innate bonuses to trap making, mining, and searching, and they lose light sensitivity, (except if they live in the underdark.) and gain +2 racial bonus vs all spells and spell like effects, which comes from their draconic heritage.
An advantage of the Kobolds breath weapon is it may empower the abilities of other classes. If the Kobold is any class that gets a breath weapon, (Dragon Shaman and Dragon Disciple being the most obvious.) then the Kobolds breath weapon increases to a d8, and the creature may 'stack' the breath weapons for a stronger attack. For example, a level 15 Kobold with 10 levels of Dragon Disciple, (6d8 breath weapon) could stack with the Kobolds innate 4d6 weapon, making it a 10d8 breath weapon. This also stacks with the bard's elemental rock out ability, and can be used in the same round for an increased power performance. Base breath weapon stats are 30' line, or 15' cone. The save DC is 10+1/2 HD + con mod +2 racial bonus. (Help make up for that low con score)
To determine the draconic ancestry of the individual kobold, we roll a nifty 1d10, and follow the chart:
1. White Dragon (Cold, can walk on ice freely, +2 intimidate)
2. Brass Dragon (Fire, +2 to gather information and bluff)
3. Black Dragon (Acid, swim speed 20', Hold Breath ability)
4. Bronze Dragon (Lightning, swim speed 20', Hold Breath ability)
5. Green Dragon (Acid, +2 to diplomacy and intimidate)
6. Silver Dragon (Cold, can walk on ice freely, +2 to diplomacy)
7. Red Dragon (Fire, +2 to intimidate, +1 natural armor)
8. Copper Dragon (Acid, +2 to bluff and diplomacy)
9. Blue Dragon (Lightning, +2 charisma)
10. Gold Dragon (Fire, +2 charisma)
Draconic variety is purely based on ancestry, and has no bearing on a kobolds scale color or alignment. While a red dragon descendant might have red scales and be chaotic evil, it is just as likely to be green or purple, and be lawful good. Kobolds are on good terms with most races, evil ones work with Goblins, and orcs sometimes in Oniboros, and good kobolds are allied with humans, dwarves, and gnomes.
My goal with Kobolds is to have a tough, small race that is harder to hit rather than have tons of HP like a Gnome or Dwarf. They are not set up to be innate casters like Goblins, and they have more innate attacks and resistances than any other race. (Though rolling blue dragon or gold dragon will make you an above average sorcerer.) Kobolds will not have the feats, or spell power that goblins or gnomes have, but their resilience and natural attacks should make up for it.
Corrupted Kobolds I covered in the 3.5 monster post, found here.
*Update* Made a goblin and a kobold to face off, and it wasn't even a contest, the goblin took it pretty easy, so I need to give the little guys something else. When they increase in natural armor every 6 levels, they now get a bonus feat as well.
Simplified: +2 Dexterity, +2 wisdom, -2 strength, -2 constitution, +3 natural armor. +2 to all saves vs spells and spell like abilities. Breath weapon 1d6 starting, increases every 5 levels. 5 elemental resistance, increasing with breath weapon. Natural armor increases every 6 levels, and monks deal 1 damage dice more. Favored classes: Cleric and Sacred Fist.
*Update* Made a goblin and a kobold to face off, and it wasn't even a contest, the goblin took it pretty easy, so I need to give the little guys something else. When they increase in natural armor every 6 levels, they now get a bonus feat as well.
Simplified: +2 Dexterity, +2 wisdom, -2 strength, -2 constitution, +3 natural armor. +2 to all saves vs spells and spell like abilities. Breath weapon 1d6 starting, increases every 5 levels. 5 elemental resistance, increasing with breath weapon. Natural armor increases every 6 levels, and monks deal 1 damage dice more. Favored classes: Cleric and Sacred Fist.
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(Tiny resilient little humanoids, Kobolds of Artheria are a diverse, religious culture.) |
Lizardfolk of Mangderithon took residence near a grand tree, called the starwood tree, which houses a planar prison with incredible creatures locked away. Asharldon, and Lytana (Gruumsh's elven form) both are currently there, or spent time there in the case of Lytana. (The Kobold post above mentions this planar prison, it is in Lizardfolk territory.) Rolltun, Luce, and Darth Frodo Clarington, (my players at the time) were venturing to the marsh, searching for the ancient gnome ruins and the elemental weird of water who lives there. (And is currently one of the only Elemental Weirds whose location is known. My post for MMIII has that information.) When they got there, they discovered that the entire lizardfolk population, and the entire marsh in general, was serving a dreaded black dragon, Thraxicantilous, or Thrax for short. They met the druid leader of the lizardfolk, a wise woman named Neirar, and they agreed to journey to the starwood tree, and free the "Marsh Guardian," a powerful spiritual beast in the form of a Grey Render, and allow him to deal with the dragon Thrax. Thrax had gained the power of a powerful artifact (the Orb of Liquid Life, which was made by the Elemental Weird of water) and warped it so he had complete control over anything that shared his blood. Over time, the black dragon mixed his blood into an enormous amount of creatures, all of which followed his instructions without question.
The players faced all manner of half-dragon creatures, crocs, giant crocs, squid, otyugh, giant spiders, and even a drow, before being able to free the imprisoned Marsh Guardian. (They freed Conan the Balorian as well, who will be covered in my "Important NPCs of Artheria" post.) With the mighty Grey Render's help, (Grey Render with a buffed up Monster of Legend template from MMII) they were able to take on the black dragon Thrax and his legion of half-dragon giant sharks, and free the lizardfolk. (every time players got knocked into the water was intense... Darth Frodo Clarington did not survive.)
Ever since then, one of the lizardfolk, (Slavik, a male lizardfolk druid/sorcerer) became Luce's (the groups Paladin/Sorcerer) cohort, and followed the Paladin to the end of the Paladin's life. That bond held true for the last 1000 years, and now the knights of Contrador assist keeping the marshes safe from the corruption, and the lizardfolk help protect Contrador in a very similar fashion.
All lizardfolk players will come from either that specific marsh or from the skyrealm. Lizardfolk of all other continents are exactly as they appear in the various monster manuals and are constantly in a battle for survival.
Statistically Lizardfolk are a different type of race. Like Centaurs, I am removing all monstrous HD, which isn't that big a deal with lizardfolk as they only have 2, and I'm altering their stats drastically. Lizardfolk gain +4 to strength, and +4 to constitution. They suffer a -4 to both intelligence and charisma though. They have a +7 natural armor bonus though, having the toughest hides of any playable race. They also have tails, which give them a +4 to balance, swim, and jump checks. They have the Hold Breath ability as well, which gives them the ability to stay under water for a number of rounds equal to 4 times their constitution score. The natural armor of lizardfolk increases by +1 every 6 levels, like it does for Kobolds, and every 5 levels they gain a rank of Toughness, and 1/- racial DR. Lizardfolk are the only race (other than Drow) that have different favored classes dependent on gender, females have Druid, and males have Barbarian. Lizardfolk still have natural attacks like listed in the monster manual, though the prefered fighting style of lizardfolk warriors (druids included) is the spear and shield style. Lizardfolk of all kinds fight very similar to spartans, enjoying shield bashing and stabbing with their spears.
While there isn't any limitations on what this race can equip, having armor crafted for them is more expensive than anything other than the centaur. All lizardfolk suffer a 2.5 price increase to base armor cost, and making custom items for them adds a +6 to the DC of whatever is being crafted. Lizardfolk also suffer a gold penalty at character creation, coming from the marshes, whatever is rolled will be cut in half. This will make starting out with good gear very difficult for a lizardfolk character, not that it matters much since their natural armor is almost as strong as full plate, (A lizardfolk with studded leather has 20 AC + dex mod.) so that shouldn't affect them that much. Lizardfolk also have several class limitations. They can not be knights, paladins, wizards, any kind of oriental class, or duskblades. Dragon shaman are very prevalent among lizardfolk culture though.
Lizardfolk should be a happy difference between dwarves, centaur, and orcs. They are statistically 'better' than dwarves in most aspects, and while they won't have the HP of a dwarf, they should have more than an orc, gnome, or centaur, and they will have incredible AC, which should more than make up for the HP difference between Lizardfolk and the other tough races. They won't be nearly as fast as centaur, and while they suffer mental penalties, they aren't quite as much as Centaurs. Lizardfolk will have the 2nd highest HP on average, (behind dwarves) and very very good AC. They are really pigeon holed into certain roles though, as they are the only race with actual major limitations on what they may be. They will really shine in those roles though. (A lizardman ranger/druid or druid/fighter will be phenomenally powerful.)
All lizardfolk players will come from either that specific marsh or from the skyrealm. Lizardfolk of all other continents are exactly as they appear in the various monster manuals and are constantly in a battle for survival.
Statistically Lizardfolk are a different type of race. Like Centaurs, I am removing all monstrous HD, which isn't that big a deal with lizardfolk as they only have 2, and I'm altering their stats drastically. Lizardfolk gain +4 to strength, and +4 to constitution. They suffer a -4 to both intelligence and charisma though. They have a +7 natural armor bonus though, having the toughest hides of any playable race. They also have tails, which give them a +4 to balance, swim, and jump checks. They have the Hold Breath ability as well, which gives them the ability to stay under water for a number of rounds equal to 4 times their constitution score. The natural armor of lizardfolk increases by +1 every 6 levels, like it does for Kobolds, and every 5 levels they gain a rank of Toughness, and 1/- racial DR. Lizardfolk are the only race (other than Drow) that have different favored classes dependent on gender, females have Druid, and males have Barbarian. Lizardfolk still have natural attacks like listed in the monster manual, though the prefered fighting style of lizardfolk warriors (druids included) is the spear and shield style. Lizardfolk of all kinds fight very similar to spartans, enjoying shield bashing and stabbing with their spears.
While there isn't any limitations on what this race can equip, having armor crafted for them is more expensive than anything other than the centaur. All lizardfolk suffer a 2.5 price increase to base armor cost, and making custom items for them adds a +6 to the DC of whatever is being crafted. Lizardfolk also suffer a gold penalty at character creation, coming from the marshes, whatever is rolled will be cut in half. This will make starting out with good gear very difficult for a lizardfolk character, not that it matters much since their natural armor is almost as strong as full plate, (A lizardfolk with studded leather has 20 AC + dex mod.) so that shouldn't affect them that much. Lizardfolk also have several class limitations. They can not be knights, paladins, wizards, any kind of oriental class, or duskblades. Dragon shaman are very prevalent among lizardfolk culture though.
Lizardfolk should be a happy difference between dwarves, centaur, and orcs. They are statistically 'better' than dwarves in most aspects, and while they won't have the HP of a dwarf, they should have more than an orc, gnome, or centaur, and they will have incredible AC, which should more than make up for the HP difference between Lizardfolk and the other tough races. They won't be nearly as fast as centaur, and while they suffer mental penalties, they aren't quite as much as Centaurs. Lizardfolk will have the 2nd highest HP on average, (behind dwarves) and very very good AC. They are really pigeon holed into certain roles though, as they are the only race with actual major limitations on what they may be. They will really shine in those roles though. (A lizardman ranger/druid or druid/fighter will be phenomenally powerful.)
Lizardfolk overall are a simple, nature loving people that prefer to live out their lives being left alone to fish, hunt, and follow nature's guidance.
Simplified: +4 strength and constitution, -4 to intelligence and charisma. +7 natural armor, +4 to swim, balance, and jump. Every five levels 1/- DR and a rank of Toughness, and every 6 levels +1 natural armor. Natural attacks 2 claws 1 bite. (1d4 all) Armor costs x2.5, half starting gold.
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(Lizardfolk are adamant defenders of nature, who worship the Earth Mother.) |
And so, that concludes the information on playable races. I shall continue adding more information as we go. I end this post with a quote, which is something I'm going to continue doing. This one, is from Tolkien.
"If more of us valued food and cheer and song above gold, it would be a merrier world."
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