Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Pertaining to the purpose of this blog...

Hello internet world, and welcome to Justin's Nerdy Stuff, a blog mostly dedicated to pen and paper style role playing games that am either playing in or hosting. Currently I have two projects, I play in a Dragonball Z rpg, (Yes... I am a grown man that is that nerdy. I will not deny it.) and I run a 3.5 DnD home brew game, the majority of the rules and story shall make up the content of these pages. (Probably why most of you who read this are here... linked for game rules.)

I've been playing role playing games since 4th grade, nearly 20 years ago now. I started with a mix of 1st and 2nd edition DnD, as those were the books we had collected at the time. Eventually, 1999 came along, and 3rd edition DnD was the rumored rage. Once it came out, I abandoned the complex thaco tables, multi-classing rules, and class/race limitations and threw myself into the new version. D20 was inspiring to me, and I built, from the ground up and with help from my friends, a Fallout D20 RPG.

Every game I ever ran always had little tweeks, little house rules, like every group does. I was always the DM of the group that took things to the next step. Custom races, classes, prestige class alterations, I wanted to change everything around, even back then.

Looking back, it seems obvious that I would want to make a completely altered 3.5 experience. Over time, I will be posting details on the world, called Artheria, histories, races, classes, monsters, etc. I've altered almost everything, with influence from Final Fantasy 6, Castlevania: SOTN, Dragon Age, Resident Evil, and many other sources.

Check back often for updates!

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