First off, we will start with region weapons.
Oniboros, the oriental adventures styled continent, has all oriental adventures weapons and Armor (Page 75) at the costs listed in the oriental adventures book. I will be redoing the oriental adventures weapons and armor at some point, I don't like a lot of it. Lacquer coated samurai armor is just as tough as full plate mail, and the katana being a masterwork bastard sword, yet cost 65 more gold for some reason, also bothers me. Many of the items in the oriental adventure book are nice in idea, but are usually overshadowed by the standard items.
Buying an oriental style item outside of Oniboros is much more expensive, in the city of Contrador, on Mangderithon, the price is double listed. In the elf lands, Entrar, and the lost lands the price is tripled. In the under-dark and the above cloud layer, the price is quadrupled.
Dark Sun weapons and other style items are available as well, in Entrar, they cost half GP listed on the linked chart. (Convert the CP to GP and cut it in half) The items are triple priced on the surface, or quadruple in the under-dark and cloud layer. If the items are made of normal materials, (not bone and obsidian) the damage dice increases 1 level. (1d6 to 1d8 for example) This triples the base cost of the item.
This brings us to black powder weapons. Dwarves were the originators, but gnomes (and then goblins) took it to the next level. These weapons are typically more advanced than those listed in the DMG, like the arquebus. These weapons are at this cost only underground, the floating gnome continent, and Contrador. Everywhere else they are triple the listed cost. These weapons may be of masterwork quality or enchanted, or made magi-tek like any other item. They require the Exotic Weapons (Firearms) feat. Unless listed otherwise, all guns use sling rounds, including magical ones. (Like from the sun stone spell) Guns have 1 advantage over other weapon types, they ignore normal DR. A barbarian has 3/- DR, a gun ignores that. Magic or silver DR would require magic or silver bullets still.
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(An orc with a long rifle.) |
Weapon: Cost: Damage: Range Inc:
Flintlock Pistol 100gp 1d12 30'
(Single shot, primitive pistol)
3 geared, wind up pistol 600gp 2d6 60'
(Single shot, or 3 shot burst, -2 all 3 attacks) (30' on burst)
6 shooter, revolver 1000gp 1d10 50'
(black powder, rapid shooting with feat)
Blunderbus, (primitive shotgun) 500gp 2d8* 30'
(Black powder, shoots anything that fits in the barrel)
Dwarven Boomstick, (min. str. 14) 1000gp 2d12* 40'
(Black powder, longer and wider barrel, uses much more powder per shot, kicks back like crazy)
Rifle, 3 geared wind up 3000gp 2d8 120'
(1 shot, or 3 shot burst, -2 all 3 attacks.)
Rifle, Blackpowder (Rapid fire with feats) 1500gp 2d10 100'
(1 shot, or 6 round models) 4000gp (6 round)
Long Rifle (No rapid fire capability at all) 2500gp 2d12 200' (1 shot, and 5 round cartridge models available) 4500gp
*This might be modified depending on what is loaded into the weapon.
All weapons have x3 critical damage.
*NEW FOR THE STEAMPUNK GAME: There are multiple new models available in the modern world. All the weapons above are still available, but there are some new ones. ALSO: While the more primitive weapons, (all but the rifles on the above list) can use sling rounds like I state above, ALL THE NEW WEAPONS MUST HAVE BULLETS PURCHASED FOR THEM! Bullets cost 1gp each for every type of weapon below. They each use their own type of round, unless I state that they share rounds.
Mega Pistol: A much more powerful single shot pistol, like a flintlock but with much more kick.
Cost 500gp, 2d10 damage. 40' range.
'The Enforcer:' A modern day clip loaded high caliber pistol. 8 round clip, can fire 3 round burst with rapid fire feat. Cost: 1200gp, 1d12 damage, 60' range.
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(The most advanced pistols available.) |
Shotguns: 2 new shotguns are available, double barrel and pump action. They both deal the same amount of damage, 2d10, placing them between the 'Blunderbus' and 'Boomstick' in terms of damage. However, they have either the 2 barrels, or the 5 round clip in the pump action. The double barrel can fire both barrels at once for double damage. These weapons require special shotgun shells, lacking the improvised ammunition ability of the more primitive weapons. Double Barrel: 1200 GP, 2d10 damage per barrel, 40' range increment. Pump Action: 1600 GP, 2d10 damage, 5 round clip, no rapid fire, 60' range increment.
Rifles follow the same rules as the above chart, (last 3 entries) with the following changes for modern long arms. If they are using custom rounds as opposed to sling rounds, dice size increases by one. (2d10 to 2d12 for example.) Also, modern rifles have at least a 10 round clip, even the models without rapid fire.
Long Rifles, (Names and style vary) damage always 2d12 to 3d10, bolt action models deal 3d10 and have a 400' range increment. Rapid fire models have clip sizes up to 30, and deal 2d12 damage. The cost for a long rifle is 6000 for a bolt action and 8000 for a rapid fire model.
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(A rapid fire rifle.) |
*New Guns complete, feel free to skip forward to explosives.*
Thus concludes the current firearms. The two basic styles are windup, or clockwork styled, and black powder traditional hammer styled guns. A wind up pistol has the gunpowder in a separate, sealed compartment, that ignites with the turning of the gears, this builds up a massive amount of pressure in the handle/gear region of the weapon, which then gets released through the barrel, sending the bullet and a huge cloud of smoke and powder out. A traditional hammer style weapon, you pull the trigger, the hammer falls onto a piece of flint, which sparks and ignites the black powder, sending the bullets flying. As far as game play goes, the separate compartment of the wind up style means these weapons can fire underwater, (at least until you have to load more black powder into the chamber itself) and it takes a full round to reload. The rapid reload feat can lower this to a standard action. Hammer style fire arms are capable of much more rapid fire capability, and they are also easier to reload, taking a standard action for 1 round, full round for multiple rounds. The rapid reload feat reduces that to a swift action for single shot and move action for multiple rounds. They can not fire underwater however, at all.
I am introducing a new feat, Rapid Shot, (Fire arms) this allows the player to use the various rapid fire modes on the weapons listed above.
Another new weapon type is Exotic Weapons (Explosives), these are single use, grenade style weapons for the most part, with one exception the grenade-a-pult, which is a small two handed weapon that is used to increase the launching distance of grenades, a masterwork or magical grenade-a-pult will transfer the bonus onto the grenade.
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(Dwarven Rune-tek Engineer, setting up a magi-tek ceramic mine) |
Weapon: Cost: Damage: Range Inc:
Ceramic Grenade
(Black Powder Ref DC 16 for splash) 100gp 2d10 20' (10' radius)
(Flash Powder, Will DC 16 or 1d4 blind) 150gp 2d10 20'
(Shrapnel, Fort DC 16 or wound 2) 200gp 3d10 20'
Mining Sticks (4 rounds, then boom.) 30gp 3d6 10' (5' radius)
Grenade-a-pult 250gp (Based on ammo) 50'
Ceramic Mine (pressure plate activated)
(Black Powder Ref DC 18 on splash) 140g 2d12 15' radius
(Flash Powder, Will DC 18 or 1d4 blind) 200gp 2d12 15' radius
(Shrapnel, Fort DC 18 or wound 2) 250gp 3d12 15' radius
Exploding Bolts (Fired from a crossbow) 45gp each bolt damage +1d12 5' radius
(DC for splash damage is equal to 10 + BAB of character + Dexterity mod.)
Exploding Arrows (Work just like bolts) 45gp each arrow damage +1d12 5' radius
Exploding Darts (May be poisoned) 45gp each dart damage +1d10 5' radius
Exploding Shurikens (May be poisoned) 45gp each shuriken damage +1d10 5' radius
All explosives have a x2 critical, grenade rules from the PHB apply for all explosive weapons. Masterwork adds +1 to the DC for all status effects and splash damage. While these weapons can be enchanted, they are most often single use, so it isn't common to enchant them. (Though a fireball or explosive runes placed on a grenade, while expensive to do, will greatly increase the damage)
Thus concludes guns and explosives. Moving on to the starting gear of races, let us start with human. The rules listed below are only for character creation, standard prices apply once you're in the actual world.
Human is entirely based on home region. Humans of Contrador can purchase all guns and explosives at half price, humans of Entrar and Oniboros gain access to the specific weapons of those cultures, and humans of the sky can use the gnome or halfling magi-tek rules. (base cost +800 for a magi-tek item)
Elves are masters of mithril and other exceptional ores. All elves, regardless of subrace, can purchase mithril weapons for only slightly more than masterwork costs, (base cost +400 gp) and the price for mithril armor is greatly decreased as well. (base cost +800 gp)
Dwarves are masters of Adamantine, and like elves, they can start with that kind of gear at a greatly reduced rate. Adamantine weapons are base cost +500, and adamantine armor is base cost +1000.
Halflings and Gnomes use the same inherent bonus, to make any item magi-tek, take the base cost and add 800.
Orcs are master craftsmen of war, and as such have cheaper masterwork items. All masterwork items are base cost +200, rather than base cost +300.
Goblins are masters of firearms and explosives. The price of all guns and explosives is 1/3rd normal.
With that, we conclude the first post on shops of Artheria. Magi-tek and airships are going to have their own blog post coming up soon.
"A box without hinges, key, or lid, yet inside treasure is hid." J. R. R. Tolkien
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